IT Auditing
Be it independent verification and validation (IV&V), quality assurance auditing, compliance auditing, or security assessments, Marjen’s assessments provide organizations with information and recommendations necessary to improve performance and improve their current platform posture.
Cyber Security
Marjen utilizes the most dependable, accurate, and cost effective tools for identifying security concerns in your IT environment. Weak passwords, web sites that are vulnerable to attack, unauthorized access to valuable databases, insufficient auditing controls, are all concerns that Marjen tools and techniques are capable of identifying.
Marjen’s knowledge and experience concerning Federal information security management criteria, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) security guidelines, and Federal information processing standards are invaluable towards securing platforms and maintaining Federal compliance requirements.
Forensics & Data Recovery
Marjen’s investigative tools and knowledge provide clients with the information needed to fully analyze and explain incidences that have occurred within your platform.
Records Management
Marjen’s application of NARA principles, a disciplined approach, and the application of indexing and tools enables us to keep electronic and paper-based information secure, available, and referenceable
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