Our Clients
Marjen performed independent verification and validation of the Federal Trade Commission’s relocation of its data center and establishment of an auxiliary data center including functional, performance, and NIST 800-53 rev.4 controls.
Marjen provided security policy development support, security process and procedure development support, application support, auditing, security controls assessment, and project management on behalf of the HHS CIS.
Marjen perform system security documentation, risk assessments, and security testing and evaluation for multiple enterprise systems on behalf of the Health and Human Services’ Program Support Center organization
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Marjen conducted an independent audit and assessment of an enterprise sized web based application for the Health and Human Services’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
Marjen staff was responsible for supporting the Department of Labor (DOL) Information Technology Security Team regarding the management and documentation of security for four agency systems.
Marjen conducted web-based and local network vulnerability scanning and penetration testing of ASBA’s entire network.
Marjen conducted a business impact assessment and risk assessment of the Maryland State Department of Education
Marjen developed a secure, interactive web site for the Broward chapter of the Grant Professionals Association.